
GJL is current not hiring. 

Please check back here for updates on our available positions.

Thank you!


If you are interested in volunteering, please fill out our volunteer form.


Gender Justice League is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Gender Justice League will not discriminate in employment for any reason, and especially on the basis of race, gender identity, gender expression, sex, gender, sexual orientation, citizenship or citizenship status, national origin, illness, health status including HIV or other STI status, ability, physical or mental disability, recovery from addiction, age, ethnicity, creed, color, size or height, weight, veteran status, pregnancy, genetic makeup, primary language, religious or spiritual belief, credit rating, economic status, housing or homelessness, experience surviving physical, sexual, or domestic violence, involvement in the sex trades or sex work, family responsibilities, or other unlawful factors except as required by law.



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